Decoding the main purpose of human birth
This is the question which has around 8 billion answers. Some people claim life is about finding our passion and working hard. Some people say life is all about traveling, having a well-paid job, and making a meaningful impact on self and society. Others say that the main purpose of life is to help others. But are all these our real purpose? Were we born for these stuffs? Absolutely no. These can be our responsibilities, but not our real purpose.
I want you to reach the moment when you had just taken birth from your mother’s womb. It was very painful for you right? Well, how can I know whether I was in pain or not as I was unconscious and unaware of my surrounding? Dear friend, with an extremely soft and delicate body, it’s really the most difficult job to get out of mother’s womb. As soon as you were born, you started crying to relieve the pain of birth and get happiness. Did anyone teach you to seek happiness right after you were born? No. It was natural for you to seek happiness. According to Science, there are around 8.7 million species in total. Among these species, there are around 8 billion humans. Everyone has a different face, different nature and different way of living. Even two fingerprints do not match. But, they all have one thing in common. They all want happiness- devoid from pain, agony, harm. Not only humans but also rest of the creatures want the same.
But, why do we want happiness naturally? Why are we ready to do anything to get happiness? Let’s go to modern science. Science states that ‘it is natural for a fraction of source to get attracted to the main source .’ What does it mean? It means that a smaller entity, if fraction of bigger entity, naturally inclines towards the bigger entity. If a stone (small material source) is released from a certain height, it moves towards earth( big material source) because the stone is made from earth. In other words, a stone is a fractional part of the earth. Similarly, if a candle is lit, the light glows upwards as it is a fraction of sun. Small river and rivulets merge in the sea, and sea gravitates towards the ocean because the ocean is the main source. These events happen naturally without any external force. Once a small source dissolves in a bigger source, it becomes a bigger source forever.
Since there are infinite number of creatures, we cannot be the main source. We must be fractional part of that source. Science also states that each individual is a consciousness, and not a body made up of matter.Therefore, we are small consciousness, and there must be something which is of supreme consciousness. That supreme consciousness is GOD. Hence, it is clear that our existence proves God’s existence.
*** Important: Since every creature in this world naturally seeks only one thing ‘happiness’, it is self-justified that we are a small source of consciousness and ‘happiness’ is the bigger source of consciousness. In other words, happiness is ‘God’, ‘Prophet’, ‘Jesus’ , or whatever you call. ***
But did we get happiness? No, we are constantly searching for it. We get a portion of happiness, then again it becomes zero. A person with millions might be happy, but ask him ‘Are you happy?’ He will definitely say ‘I am not. But I am searching for it .’ He might be seemingly happy after having billions, but his happiness lessens once he sees a person richer than him. Ask with Bill Gates if he is happy and he will definitely say “No. I have this and that to do. I also have a few time…..”. Just think yourself for a moment. Are you really happy? Definitely not. You might pretend to be happy in front of people, or to a certain extent do something that can make you happy. But, ultimately it doesn’t remain forever. However, we all want such happiness that never deprecates and remains full-bucketed always. I have talked to all types of people. All I hear is I am still working on it. Hopefully, I will get it someday. So, why are we saying that? Where did we lack?
Since endless times, we have been searching for happiness in this materially inflicted world. We got some joyous moments but they all decreased with time. It is because we accepted ourselves as a body and not a fraction of supreme consciousness. We headed according to what society instructed us. We listened to each and every opinion, thrived in different societal, parental, academic environments and made a vision about our own life. We went to search for passion, found something and then worked hard to be master in it thinking that there must be happiness here. Not only we went to search, but also we found other people doing the same. In this pursuit of accumulating “material entities” and identifying different faces, we forgot who we are. We got baffled completely. Hence, the reason why we couldn’t find happiness is that we didn’t understand where our ‘happiness’ lies. This is where the quest of spirituality begins.
There are only two rooms-material and spiritual. Let’s say material room as X and spiritual room as Y. We have seen people and have decided that happiness is not in room X. Then the remaining room is Y. Therefore, it is clear that our original happiness lies in room Y i.e by embracing spirituality. Our body is made up of matter. So, to fulfill bodily wants, material possession is required. However, since we are a small consciousness(a soul), spiritual possession is required too.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs reaches only up to self-actualization. Self-actualization means realizing one’s potentialities and talents. But it doesn’t talk about self-realization. People consider self-realization as identifying one’s passion and knowing one’s interest. No, it’s not self-realization. Self-realization is understanding the fact that we are a soul and not a body. As already said, science has discovered that there is something inside our body that is providing constant energy to all parts of the body to function. Once that ‘something’ escapes, the body is intact but it doesn’t function, or in other terms death. Since we are that ‘something’ — energy/small-consciousness, we were neither created nor we can die. Only we change our body from one form to another form like how the definition of energy implies( Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but it can be transformed from one form to another form). In our surroundings, we see a cat, dog, lion, and many creatures. We become one of them or maybe another human after death. And its a fact that we have become a countless dog, cat, insects and so on.
Another question that arises is that if God is really there, then why can’t we see him? The reason is that God is divine and we are material. Material entities cannot comprehend divine phenomenon. To see divine, we have to make ourselves divine, in other words dissolve into the supreme consciousness. Our mind is completely impure. Since infinity, bad qualities like anger, greed, lust, hatred have engrossed our mind and made it impure. Layers upon layers of bad virtues are stacked together forming a barrier that is stopping ourselves to know God, see God, feel God. Once we make our mind clean sheet, the barrier is gone and we can know God. Therefore, one who tries to purify the mind is the one who is working for original and perennial happiness. How to purify the mind?
We are small consciousness, as already stated, and god is supreme and infinite consciousness. We are a fraction of energy and god is the powerhouse of energy. God supplies energy, and thus we are able to utilize it. If the powerhouse stops giving energy, our existence is over. But this doesn’t happen because the energy is infinite and God himself cannot stop it. Spiritually, getting happiness is the easiest thing. We just have to meditate lovingly on God. But how to meditate on someone who is not visible? For that, we just create an imaginary but divide form of the body and assume it to be the form of God. And then keep on imagining yourself with that body loving, caring, sharing … doing everything behavior that a person does with his family,friends, relatives. This is practically called “Sadhana” or “Bhakti” in eastern culture. As we practice in this loving meditation, we get pints of original and divine happiness that we never received. And once, when we attain hundred percent devotion in “Sadhana”, we will experience “God” i.e. we will be god-realized. Our all senses will be divine, and divine will be able to comprehend God. We will accomplish our human form of birth. We will get the happiness we had desired right from the moment we took birth in this world. We will be self-sufficient and self-satiated. We will get everything because we will be everything.
Hence, the ultimate goal of human life is to be God-realized with the help of “Sadhana” and get that ever-lasting happiness that we have been naturally seeking since eternity. So, let’s not forget to accumulate our spiritual wealth in the pursuit of gathering material wealth because, in the end, ourspiritual possession is what counts not how much money we made, or how much fans we gathered.Hence, devote your portion of 24 hours to lovingly meditate on God and see the difference. Thank me later……:) Happy life. Kudos!!!